What is a tech-adjacent career?

How one learner used his previous career experience to pivot to software sales 

When it comes to embracing the learning at InceptionU, we can honestly say that Scott Luxton gave it 110%! 

Engaged from the start, Scott was not what he would call “tech savvy” and years of working in a sales role in the supply chain industry meant his computer skills were lacking. He knew that enrolling in the InceptionU program was going to be a big leap for him, but he took the plunge.

Scott was eager to learn, asked a lot of questions and leaned on some of his more experienced team members when he felt overwhelmed. He fully embraced the networking sessions and attended every “extra” learning experience and offering that was provided to him throughout the program. He knew he’d need to work hard and put himself out there to land an exciting opportunity in tech.

Scott Luxton graduated from InceptionU in August of 2021, beginning his transition into a tech sales career.

Eventually, Scott realized full stack development was not going to be his “superpower” but through career leadership discussions with Margo Purcell and Al Del Degan, he learned about “tech adjacent” roles that also exist in the tech industry.

Just like any company, a tech company requires a whole team of people to make the organization run smoothly - from HR, marketing, sales, customer success, quality assurance, etc. 

Tech adjacent roles are positions where it’s either an asset or requirement that the candidate either has the ability to understand and/or be able to write code, while still doing a job that is not considered a full developer. 

After graduating from the program, Scott was advised to lean into his strong sales experience as a way to get a foot in the door. With the added knowledge of software development, he was well positioned to enter the software sales side of tech.

“There’s no doubt that having the ability to write software helped in my application at a software company,” says Scott. and I really don’t think I’m overstating things when I say that the program changed the trajectory of my life, it certainly changed the trajectory of my career.”

Scott landed a position with Calgary’s Microsoft sales team in February of 2022. In his new role, he works with small, very small and medium-sized businesses helping them incorporate Microsoft products into their businesses so they can be more efficient -  products such as Microsoft Teams, Azure, Microsoft’s cloud network, Microsoft 365, its SAAS offering, and hardware. 

Scott also works with schools, museums, and non-profit organizations and even gets to do some training to help empower his customers to achieve more. On the job, he’s still learning and Microsoft regularly allows him time for additional training and certifications in their new products. 

Reflecting on his time in the program, he says it’s what helped him to land the position with Microsoft and begin his tech career.

“Even though I’m not coding, it doesn't mean InceptionU didn’t help get me where I need to be,” says Scott. “Essential skills are what helped me get hired at Microsoft. It changed my way of working. I had worked in isolation in my previous position. At InceptionU, I re-ignited the flame inside myself for teamwork and it helped me foster that team mentality and growth mindset that I brought into my interviews at Microsoft. I believe that’s why they hired me.”

Scott says it’s just the beginning and he is excited about working his way up in the company. He knows he’s prepared for new roles and challenges he may face in the future.

“I’m now required to learn every day. As an adult who hadn’t been in school for a very long time, InceptionU taught me how to learn again. I’m just so grateful to have found InceptionU.”

If you are interested in joining the next cohort of the Evolve Full Stack Developer program launching in February 2023, please fill out this application form.

You can also email us directly: info@inceptionu.com


InceptionU partners with Blackfoot Tech Council to support IT training and employment opportunities for Siksika Nation learners


Nicole Johnson