Elvin Limpin

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Elvin Limpin is one of our highly respected technical facilitators at InceptionU. He helps aspiring software developers get closer to their goals by helping plan, prepare, and deliver a comprehensive coding curriculum in an engaging learning environment.

Elvin studied Computer Science and also worked as a math tutor in small and large group settings before joining our team.

What he loves most about his role is helping learners have a lightbulb moment. He emphasizes that software development isn’t just about grinding logic puzzles (though there’s a lot of fun in that, too). Development is about embracing creativity, team-orientation, and falling in love with solving real-world problems.

Outside of work he is the co-founder of an AI-assisted credit card recommendation engine called CardGuru. He also writes, plays, and records music with his band. He is also a powerlifter and competed in the sport at a national level.  

What Essential Skill is helping you be future fit? 

“My Essential skill is Genuine Interest. I spend a lot of time doing coding work and other hobbies, but I love doing it mostly because I have cultivated a genuine interest in all of them. I have identified a string I can pull in each one of these pursuits, and found that there’s always more to unravel as I dig deeper.”


Michael Beedie


Demystifying the admission process